Cara Dodson Wellness


Hi, Friends!

I’m Cara, a Maryland-licensed Occupational Therapist and internationally certified nutrition health coach. I’ve spent years trying to figure out the health & wellness system and let me tell you, it’s been quite the journey – from constant fad-dieting, endless fatigue & bloat, gut imbalances, sleep issues, mood swings, hair loss, inconsistent periods, and WAY too many doctor’s appointments to even count. Friends, I’ve been through it all. 

I was tired of endlessly doing, not getting anywhere, still feeling terrible, and falling back into the same patterns.

I wanted real answers and change. So I sought. Hard.

Through difficult years of trial & errors with my own body, endless digging & researching, collaboration with holistic MDs, and changing my mindset towards health, I started my slow & steady journey towards lifestyle sustainability. Not through diet-fads, restrictive diets, or excessive exercise; rather, by lifestyle, behavior, and mindset modifications through education and empowerment. THAT was when I realized that achievement towards optimal healing was actually DOABLE & SUSTAINABLE. 

This is why I have such a strong & passionate drive for helping others obtain optimal health & wellness. You’re hurting inside? I’ve been there. You’re searching? I’ve been there too. I realize that clients are searching for techniques & strategies to make LASTING health changes – not reoccurring failures. Empowering, guiding, and supporting my clients towards their DREAM person & lifestyle is my absolute FAV and I’ll do whatever it takes to get them there!

Tired of going in circles when it comes to diet, lifestyle, and weight management? Don’t know where to go to for trusted health information? Tired of feeling sluggish, bloated, and unmotivated to work toward your health goals? Want to achieve optimal, sustainable & LASTING health results?

You’re in the RIGHT SPOT!

I will assist you in identifying various barriers to obtain your optimal health & wellness and promote your achievement of personal health goals through holistic, sustainable interventions. My unique combination of education, establishing bodily fundamentals, functional activities, and personalized materials, will enhance your personal results at a realistic & sustainable level. 

With consistent guidance, support, and accountability, you’ll be able to make lasting lifestyle changes, which will empower you to make independent health choices on your own.