Cara Dodson Wellness

let’s get this party started!

Work one on one with a girl who’s been there and done that in a world full of confusion and health frustrations.

My program is designed to fit your needs in your unique chapter in life, guide you towards a thriving health success, and empower your health, metabolism, hormones, and digestion.



(let’s connect and chat pricing!)


  • Two, biweekly 60-minute sessions each month
  • 50-60-minute initial intake with personalized analyzation of nutrition and lifestyle habits
  • Step-by-step guidance towards personalized goals and action steps
  • Personalized food and lifestyle recommendations
  • Personalized protocols for specified health concerns
  • Personalized recommendations for targeted supplementation and further functional lab testing
  • Access to client discounts for recommended supplements
  • Access to client discount for functional lab testing
  • Unlimited support via text and email


(let’s connect and chat pricing!)


  • Two, biweekly 60-minute sessions each month with specified team member
  • Two, separate 60-minute initial intakes with each team member with personalized analyzation of nutrition and lifestyle habits
  • Step-by-step guidance towards personalized goals and action steps with specified team member
  • Personalized food and lifestyle recommendations
  • Personalized protocols for specified health concerns with specified team member
  • Personalized recommendations for targeted supplementation and further functional lab testing
  • Access to client discount for functional lab testing
  • Access to client discounts for recommended supplements
  • Unlimited support via text and email
  • Group chat via text with accountability collaboration


Cara Dodson Wellness is now offering FOUR signature packages specifically designed based on your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) functional lab test results.

The HTMA is a test that looks deeper into what’s going on in the cells, not just the blood. It’s a functional test that provides a cellular reading of the minerals, ratios between minerals and heavy metals in the body.

Since minerals are the spark plugs for EVERY single chemical reaction in the body – digestion, blood sugar balance, nutrient absorption (+ much more), the HTMA is a highly valuable screening tool. Here at Cara Dodson Wellness, we use the data from HTMA to create personalized nutrition and supplement protocols based on your bio individual needs.

This ENHANCES results and enables us to understand what’s really going on in the body.



I began my journey to a healthier, happier life in December of 2021.  At that time, I wanted to get serious about a diet program that I could sustain.  Prior to then, I had spent every spring of the past several years being miserable, and doing starvation diets.  I would lose approximately 30 pounds during the first six months of the year, only to gain it all back during the second six months of the year.  Everytime that I would lose weight, I would lose strength, and I would be hungry all of the time.  Although I didn’t think about it at the time, I was constantly tired with low energy.  

After chatting with Cara about her program, I reached out to her by email and scheduled my initial meeting.  From the very start, Cara made me feel comfortable and confident about working with her.  I have never met a nicer, more charming individual.  She provided me with some paperwork, including forms for health history and goals.  I set goals for myself that I knew would be very difficult to reach.  I figured, why not?  At least if I don’t reach the goals, I would be a lot closer to them than I was before the start.  My list of goals were related to health (blood pressure, body fat percentage, etc.), fitness, and physical appearance. 

Cara really eased me into changing my diet.  In the past I would try to completely cut out certain foods (for the wrong reasons), ingredients, macronutrients, etc., which was very difficult.  Cara helped me to choose cleaner foods and slowly fixed each meal of the day.  She helped me realize the poor quality of foods and supplements that I had been consuming for years.  Like a professor who teaches an interesting subject, Cara taught me about blood sugar, fats, metabolism, minerals, and so much more.  Cara is extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the subjects that she teaches.  I was really able to learn and understand why I was making the appropriate changes.  The best part was, I never felt uncomfortably hungry after making her recommended changes to my diet.  As an overweight person, I never would have thought that prior to this program, I was malnourished.

So after approximately six months, how are the goals?  Well, my body weight is down by over 20 pounds, and body fat is down 5% since making big changes to my diet.  My clothes fit comfortably and lose.  Some pants or shorts that I could barely get buttoned in the past now require a belt to keep up!  Friends, family, and coworkers comment on the improvement in my appearance.  Blood pressure is good.  Even with all of the weight loss, I’ve seen an increase in physical strength when weightlifting, and better cardiovascular performance.

There are so many improvements in my well being that I wasn’t even expecting.  First, I want to say that Cara convinced me to eliminate the useless, and in some cases, harmful supplements that I had been taking for years.  I no longer have heartburn, when in the past I had it regularly, sometimes to the point that I was in severe pain.  My histamine related allergies have more or less been completely eliminated, but in a natural way by adding foods instead of medication.  I no longer have frequent aches and pains.  I no longer struggle with digestion and gastrointestinal issues on a regular basis.  I no longer feel tired all day, and I feel well rested after 7-8 hours of sleep as opposed to 9-10 hours.  I have actually become a “morning person” again after 12 years.

The food and supplements that I ingest are clean, less processed, and naturally sourced.  I don’t miss the foods that I used to eat.  As a matter of fact, I don’t want to have them in my body.  Cara helped me to ease into foods that I previously disliked or was uncomfortable with.  I now enjoy eating a lot of foods that I would have never tried.

I’ve been given a lot of bad advice over the years by medical doctors, nurses, and internet articles on the subject of nutrition.  Through Cara’s program, I realized the harm that this has had on me.  Cara has helped me to improve my metabolism, blood sugar, weight, and well being more than any doctor ever has.  She has totally changed my life in a positive way!

The program hasn’t just been about changes to my diet.  Cara has advised me on changes to my exercise program.  She also has me “grounding” and getting more exposure to sunlight.  I focus more on stretching and mobility, and I run once a week.  I recently ran two miles with relative ease, which something I haven’t done in probably 10 years.

I look forward to our meetings which occur approximately every two weeks; it’s honestly the highlight of my week.  Everytime that I finish a session with Cara, I leave feeling inspired by her and motivated to better myself.  Whenever I have a question, Cara is only a text, call, or email away.  She is readily available and eager to help (unlike most other medical professionals that I’ve delt with).  Cara is always so encouraging and full of positivity.  She truly cares about her clients!  I would recommend anyone seeking help with their health and well being to meet with her.  Cara is a genuinely wonderful person!  I’m thankful to have had the opportunity to participate in her program, and I’ll continue to do so for a while longer. 

I felt inclined to write a review.  Everything written above is the 100% honest truth, from the heart.  I hope you realize what a positive impact you have made!

Thank you so much for all that you do, and everything that you’ve helped me to accomplish so far!  


“So fun to work with! Cara was incredibly supportive and informative. She really focused on teaching me about my body and how foods effect it so I could be more independent with understanding what my body needs to function optimally.”


“Cara is AWESOME!”


Having Cara’s help is like being able to step outside yourself (with all of your research) and spring your thoughts off of her. She then helps you separate them into a starting place to which makes sense. Forging ahead, creating new habits, listening to you sincerely. 


Cara is always available, concerned for my well-being & health, addressing all of my concerns & working through them with me. She has helped me learn how to change what is not working, waking things, explaining why certain things might help & others not. After 7 months of hard work, I have noticed decreased in brain fog, I’m thinking better, I have more nights of better sleep & more days of feeling good & having energy.